Juan Bernardo Tascon Ortiz
Phone: +57(4) 3224365
Practice areas:
Work experience:
Partner of UH ABOGADOS since January 2016
Tamayo Jaramillo & Associates. 2004-2015
Lawyer from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, specializing in Civil Liability and Insurance from the EAFIT University and Master of Laws from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.
He has more than 15 years of experience as a trial lawyer, especially in matters of civil liability and insurance, popular and group actions, arbitration processes and fiscal and State responsibility. He has also provided various advice on conflict resolution, private contracting and insurance.
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Sebastián Mejía
Practice areas
Sebastián is a lawyer from Universidad de los Andes, with a specialization in Labor Law from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
He has extensive experience in labor law and social security consultancy, labor union relations, collective bargaining, labor litigation, administrative procedures, and immigration matters.
Within his professional practice, he has advised human resources managers and directors of organizations at all levels, about topics including reinforced labor stabilities, strategic management of human resources, payroll requirements, benefits settlements, contract negotiation, retirement plans, compensation schemes, among others.
He has been a leading negotiator representing employers form various industries, including insurance, health, mass consumption, private security and oil palm.