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Commercial and Corporate Law

We guide the client to comply with the legal requirements during the life cycle of its company, from its incorporation and operation, until its dissolution and liquidation. Likewise, we provide advice on the preparation and negotiation of agreements that meet your commercial and corporate needs, including, among others, the definition of legal vehicles for the formalization of commercial alliances. Moreover, we have experience in matters related to consumer protection and personal data protection.

  • Advice on the incorporation, operation, dissolution and liquidation of companies

  • Preparation, review, negotiation of commercial agreements

  • General secretarial services

  • Definition of legal vehicles for the formalization of commercial alliances

  • Legal advice on corporate matters

  • Support for the structuring of corporate governance models

  • Advice on matters related to personal data and consumer law

Derecho comerecial & corporativo
Fusiones & Adquisiciones

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

We have a wide portfolio of services through which we advise national and international clients from different market sectors in all legal aspects related to the structuring, negotiation and execution of transactions for the purchase and sale of shares or assets, commercial alliances, joint ventures, mergers and spin-offs, and in general any associative agreement, as well as in the structuring and implementation of investment and divestment alternatives that favor the interests of clients.

  • Structuring, execution and operation of share or asset purchase transactions.

  • Preparation and negotiation of shareholder agreements.

  • Preparation of due diligence.

  • Drafting and negotiation of transaction documents.

  • Accompaniment in the closing of transactions.

  • Advice on merger and spin-off processes.

  • Advice on share/asset purchase and sale transactions

  • Corporate and tax structuring for acquisition operations

  • Preparation and negotiation of shareholder agreements

  • Conduct of due diligence

  • Support for closing transactions

  • Advice on merger and spin-offs processes

  • Structuring of joint ventures

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The following are some of the activities that we carry out in our real estate and urban planning law practice:


  • Legal support in the preparation, negotiation and formalization of agreements for the acquisition of real estate, as well as for the structuring, design and operation of real estate projects and the establishment of usufructs and mortgages.

  • Preparation, negotiation and formalization of lease agreements, space concession and agreements for the commercialization of spaces in shopping centers.

  • Clearance of properties through the management of property and registration procedures.

  • Legal advice on urban licensing procedures, opinions on land use, urban planning procedures and other matters related to urban planning law.

  • Advice to the agribusiness and hotel sector.


Our practice area has been recognized among the leaders in Colombia in the real estate law practice by Legal 500 and Chambers Latin America.

Derecho inmobiliario y urbanistico

Real Estate and Urban Planning Law

We have a wide portfolio of services in matters related to the structuring, execution and operation of real estate projects and assets.

Litigation, Arbitration and Conflict Resolution

We serve judicial processes in various areas, especially in matters of private law. Likewise, we provide advice for the resolution of conflicts of various natures.

We have experience in exploring the convenience and implementation of measures such as:

  • Family precautionary society, commercial trust

  • Civil trust, donation, usufruct

  • Structures abroad

  • Testament, medical will document

    advance, general power of attorney

  • Shareholder agreements and family protocols

  • Review of the marital partnership regime

  • Succession process

The following are some of the activities we carry out in our litigation and conflict resolution practice:


·       Contractual and non-contractual civil liability litigation

·       Arbitration

·       State liability litigation

·       Insolvency proceedings

·       Unfair competition and consumer law proceedings

·       Executive proceedings

·       Restitution and ownership proceedings

·       Class and group actions

·       Out-of-court conciliation, transaction agreements, amiable composition and expert panels

We have experience in exploring the convenience and implementation of measures such as:

  • Family precautionary society, commercial trust

  • Civil trust, donation, usufruct

  • Structures abroad

  • Testament, medical will document

    advance, general power of attorney

  • Shareholder agreements and family protocols

  • Review of the marital partnership regime

  • Succession process

Litigios, arbitraje y Resolución de conflictos
  • Labor and social security consulting

  • Management of labor relations

  • Management of special situations, disqualifications and jurisdictions

  • Inspection processes carried out by the UGPP

  • Advice on legal proceedings

  • Mass or collective retirement plans

Labor, Social Security and Immigration Law 

We provide services both in the field of consulting and in labor litigation. Likewise, we provide support for proceedings related to the UGPP regarding the inspection processes carried out by that entity
Derecho Laboral
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The following are some of the activities that we carry out in our tax practice:

  • Tax structuring of businesses and operations

  • Advice on compliance with fiscal, substantial and formal obligations

  • Tax opinions on the application of tax rules

  • Advice on foreign investment from and to Colombia

  • Response to requests of tax authorities

Tax Law

We provide various tax-related services, including compliance with formal and substantial obligations, business tax structuring and tax optimization. 
Derecho tributario

Asset Management and Protection 

We support our clients in the evaluation of their wealth and family situation regarding various aspects such as the protection, control and succession of their assets.
Our advice is focused on the implementation of programs for the protection of personal data, which includes:
  • Preparation of legal instruments for the proper processing of personal data.
  • Drafting and negotiation of agreements for the flow of information with third parties.
  • Accompaniment in the definition of internal policies, as well as in the identification and implementation of internal strategies to guarantee the privacy and security of personal data.
  • Advice on the registration of databases and reporting of news to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce
  • Training for clients and third parties in the personal data protection regime.

We have experience in exploring the convenience and implementation of measures such as:


·       Family protection companies

·       Commercial trusts

·       Civil trusts, donations, usufructs

·       Overseas structures

·       Testaments, advance medical directives, general powers of attorney

·       Shareholder agreements and family protocols

·       Review of the marital partnership regime

·       Succession proceedings

Gestion y proteccion
Manejo de crisis

Through this practice area, we ensure the provision of adequate information to decision-makers and we build and ensure a consistent and accurate narrative for the Board of Directors and Management, with an emphasis on possible collateral events. Likewise, we manage relationships with relevant regulatory entities for the operation of the company and provide legal support for the preparation of crisis protocols.

Crisis Management 

We manage and advise our clients in any situation that threatens the business, reputation or existence of their company.

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Insurance Law 

We offer advice on the structure and content of marketing campaigns, advertising material, BTL activities and the use of social networks, including the contracting of the different activities associated with each of them, the protection of intellectual property and image rights. , as well as the protection of personal data.

We provide support in the drafting and handling of claims to insurance companies, and in the representation of insurers or policyholders in legal proceedings. We are able to deal with matters related to various types of policies, including civil liability, compliance, lost profits, financial risks, among others.

Dercho de seguros


In our portfolio on compliance issues, we provide advice on the implementation of compliance systems to prevent and manage risks related to the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.
  • Advice on the preparation of risk matrices

  • Preparation of Manuals and/or Policies according to the sector and context

  • Preparation of the necessary procedures to manage risks (due diligence, intensified due diligence, cash management, politically exposed persons, ethical line, among others)

  • Support to the compliance officer in the performance of his/her functions

  • Processing and registration of distinctive signs (trademarks, slogans, banners and trade names)

  • Processing and registration of new creations (patents, utility models and industrial designs)

  • Copyright

  • Image rights

  • Domain names

  • Intellectual property litigation and transactions

  • Negotiation of agreements for the protection of intellectual property


Intellectual Property 

For our intellectual property practice, we have partnered with Brigard Urrutia and its associated firm Brigard Castro to jointly provide comprehensive and specialized advice on the following Intellectual Property issues:

Propiedad intelectual

Nonprofit Entities 

We advise all types of nonprofit entities to comply with legal requirements, from their incorporation and operation, until their dissolution and liquidation.

  • Intellectual property, copyright and image.

  • National and international registration of trademarks, patents, utility models and industrial designs.

  • Intellectual property litigation and transactions.

  • Negotiation of agreements for the protection of

    intellectual property.

Entidades sin animo de luco
Image by Kelly Sikkema

Entertainment Law 

  • Preparation and negotiation of contracts related to the entertainment business, such as management contracts, booking contracts, copyright contracts, digital distribution contracts, collaboration contracts between artists, among others. 

  • Affiliation to national and international collective management societies and registration of the artist's catalog with them and with the National Copyright Directorate.

  • Training for the different entertainment actors regarding legal matters in this area.

  • Legal structuring of works through author splits. 

Derech Deportivo
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Venture Capital (Risk capital)

We advise and accompany funds, investors and companies seeking synergies or new opportunities created by entrepreneurs, as well as growth-stage ventures that require different forms of financing. We provide broad coverage of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, focusing on access to capital, cash flows and suitable investments.

The following are some of the practices we carry out in our venture capital area:

  • Due Diligence Processes.

  • Accompaniment in rounds and financing processes.

  • Advice on capital increase operations.

  • Drafting of the investment agreement, convertible or safe note. We have alliances abroad to advise clients globally.

  • Advice on the inclusion of Vesting clauses or Cliff clauses.  

  • Accompaniment in the constitution of investment vehicles, alliances and Joint Venture.

  • Drafting, review and negotiation of shareholder agreements.

  • Consulting on acquisition and divestment operations.

  • Accompaniment in the structuring of corporate governance models.

  • Preparation of incentive plans for employees.

  • Tax, legal and operational structuring of investment funds. 

Venture Capital (Capital de riego)
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